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Eagle Creek

Fri Jun 8, 4:20 pm

Coordinator: chill

What a day! Perfect weather, the course to ourselves, beautiful sunset and fantastic 19th hole (except for the spiders, snakes, and alligator discussion which ended up giving me nightmares --- haha!). 10 Slammers were lucky enough to play on maybe the BEST course in the valley. While we had a late start after the Senators Alumni tournament, and started on #10, we were able to get in our complete round and finish off under a beautiful sky and calm glass-like lake scenery. Priceless!

Event Winner
Joanne Mazerolle-Gosewitz

15 Points

Eagle Creek
Jun 8 2018


Gussie () defeated RonBow (C66) 4
Gussie () defeated Orange Crush (D24) 3
Gussie () lost to Grey Goose (B56) 1
Div-D 1 birdie(s) 3
Div-D 1 dog(s) 2
Div-D 1 skin(s) 2
Group Winners
Gussie ()
15 Points
ToothFairy (B51)
12 Points
Reelaction1 (A29)
8 Points
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Match Results
Number One Matches
Challenger Defender Winner

No Number One related matches

Big Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Gussie () RonBow (C66) 16
Divisional Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Gussie () Orange Crush (D24) 13
Reelaction1 (A29) Spud (A4) 18
ToothFairy (B51) chill (B11) 16
Challenger Defender Hole
Orange Crush (D24) Grey Goose (B56) 13
Gussie () Grey Goose (B56) 18
RonBow (C66) Grey Goose (B56) 15
Orange Crush (D24) RonBow (C66) 13
No CMPC matches today.
Individual Player Stats
Points Record Birds Eagles Score Dogs Bones Skins Bones
15 2-1-0 1 0 0 1 16 1 10
12 2-0-0 3 0 0 0 0 2 20
8 1-1-0 2 0 0 0 0 1 10
7 2-0-0 3 0 7 1 16 1 10
7 0-2-0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0
6 3-0-0 1 0 0 1 16 0 0
5 1-1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1-2-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0-3-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0-2-0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0
Total: 10

Course Report

Everything but the mosquitos (which is why it didn't get a 10).

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: Stevie Ray
  • Skins Master:
  • Photo Master:

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

No Doggie Winners today.

SwingFit Skins Report

No Skins won today.


  • Welcome to Gussie! Her first Slammer tour event and it resulted in First Star! That's the way to do it!

  • Welcome back Orange Crush, Ronbow, GreyGoose, and Reelaction1 --- all playing their first Slammer Tour event of the season (not counting Binghamton).

  • QUICKSNAP Doggie report: 3 out of 4 holes hit for 15 bones a piece. GreyGoose on #4 from 13 feet -- Gussie on #11 from 15 feet -- and Nolanator on #16 from 12 feet. Nice shooting all.

  • BROKER4TICKETS Skins report: Lots of cut-off birdies. The winners of the day with their own birdies were ToothFairy with two skins, and Nolanator, Reelaction1 and Gussie picking up one each for 10 bones each.

  • Welcome to the hole-in-one club: GreyGoose, RonBow, Reelaction1 and Nolanator.

  • NOTABLE: ToothFairy needed 1 birdie to reach 60 for the tour. She eclipsed that with 3 birdies today!

  • Quotables

  • "What a perfect day!"

  • "I can't hear anything except the birds and the bees!"

  • "Maybe this should be renamed to Mosquito Creek instead of Eagle Creek!"

  • Most Style'n


    No feedback for today.

    Quick Links

    Not in Skins
    E Eagle or Better   B Birdie   P Par   G Bogey or Greater   C Cut-off birdie  
    Player Matches
    Start match at hole:
    RESULT: Match is All Square after 18 holes

    Course Report

    Everything but the mosquitos (which is why it didn't get a 10).

    For the Kids



    Thank you!

    • Doggie Master: Stevie Ray
    • Skins Master:
    • Photo Master:

    Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

    No Doggie Winners today.

    SwingFit Skins Report

    No Skins won today.


  • Welcome to Gussie! Her first Slammer tour event and it resulted in First Star! That's the way to do it!

  • Welcome back Orange Crush, Ronbow, GreyGoose, and Reelaction1 --- all playing their first Slammer Tour event of the season (not counting Binghamton).

  • QUICKSNAP Doggie report: 3 out of 4 holes hit for 15 bones a piece. GreyGoose on #4 from 13 feet -- Gussie on #11 from 15 feet -- and Nolanator on #16 from 12 feet. Nice shooting all.

  • BROKER4TICKETS Skins report: Lots of cut-off birdies. The winners of the day with their own birdies were ToothFairy with two skins, and Nolanator, Reelaction1 and Gussie picking up one each for 10 bones each.

  • Welcome to the hole-in-one club: GreyGoose, RonBow, Reelaction1 and Nolanator.

  • NOTABLE: ToothFairy needed 1 birdie to reach 60 for the tour. She eclipsed that with 3 birdies today!

  • Quotables

  • "What a perfect day!"

  • "I can't hear anything except the birds and the bees!"

  • "Maybe this should be renamed to Mosquito Creek instead of Eagle Creek!"

  • Most Style'n


    No feedback for today.

    Quick Links