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Sun Mar 20, 6:30 pm

Coordinator: Mr. Lyrics

Attacking Innisbrook this Sunday we had a full 5 groups (minus one), which makes that pile of bones just that much larger for the lucky ones. Tonight we gave away 5 Andrew Smith Doggies each grabbing themselves 18 bones (Dudzy-2, HawkEye, Mr. Lyrics & CaptainHook) and we had 7 SwingFit skins given out each worth 12 bones (HawkEye-2, D-Rak, Kong, Dudzy, SilverKing & Stumpy). There were several close matches that took it down to the wire, and we have a new O1 in the house in LeWok and a new B1 in HawkEye! With only a few weeks left before Spring has sprung, the race for the Indoor #1 spots are heating up. Once again the staff at GOLFOMAX were gracious and kind to the Slammers and we thank them for their superb customer service. See you all next week!

Event Winner
Shayne Sadaka

19 Points

Mar 20 2022

We haven't seen this Slammer in a while, but HawkEye came out and showed no signs of rust in his game. He went 3-0 in his matches today and was able to nab the B1 ranking. With 3 birdies, 2 skins, a dog, and a better than median score on the card, HawkEye has a great reason to see us all next week!


HawkEye (B78) defeated InsaneWayne (B1) 3
HawkEye (B78) defeated Gutsy (B3) 3
HawkEye (B78) defeated Ched (B2) 3
New Number One 2
Div-B 3 birdie(s) 3
Div-B 1 dog(s) 2
Div-B 2 skin(s) 2
Better than median (75 < 82) 1
Group Winners
HawkEye (B78)
19 Points
Dudzy (B5)
17 Points
Mr. Lyrics (A5)
11 Points
LeWok (O5)
10 Points
ShortStack (O4)
10 Points
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Match Results
Number One Matches
Challenger Defender Winner
HawkEye (B78) InsaneWayne (B1)HawkEye (B78)
SilverKing (O1) CaptainHook (B4)SilverKing (O1)
LeWok (O5) SilverKing (O1)LeWok (O5)
Gutsy (B3) InsaneWayne (B1)InsaneWayne (B1)
Ched (B2) InsaneWayne (B1)InsaneWayne (B1)
Big Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Dudzy (B5) Treps (A9) 12
Divisional Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
D-Mart (O3) Farmer Shart (O2) 18
HawkEye (B78) Gutsy (B3) 15
HawkEye (B78) Ched (B2) 17
HawkEye (B78) InsaneWayne (B1) 18
LeWok (O5) SilverKing (O1) 18
Mr. Lyrics (A5) Ali G (A4) 15
Mr. Lyrics (A5) Kong (A3) 17
ShortStack (O4) Farmer Shart (O2) 15
ShortStack (O4) D-Mart (O3) 16
Stumpy (A8) Ali G (A4) 16
Challenger Defender Hole
Gutsy (B3) Ched (B2) 15
Bagpipes (O6) D-Mart (O3) 18
SlapShot (B9) Dudzy (B5) 12
TallStack (C2) Dudzy (B5) 11
Bagpipes (O6) Farmer Shart (O2) 17
Gutsy (B3) InsaneWayne (B1) 13
Ched (B2) InsaneWayne (B1) 16
Stumpy (A8) Kong (A3) 17
Ali G (A4) Kong (A3) 15
Stumpy (A8) Mr. Lyrics (A5) 17
Bagpipes (O6) ShortStack (O4) 16
SlapShot (B9) TallStack (C2) 18
SlapShot (B9) Treps (A9) 16
TallStack (C2) Treps (A9) 17
No CMPC matches today.
Individual Player Stats
Points Record Birds Eagles Score Dogs Bones Skins Bones
19 3-0-0 3 0 75 1 18 2 24
17 3-0-0 3 0 72 2 36 1 12
11 3-0-0 1 0 77 1 18 0 0
10 2-0-0 4 0 71 0 0 0 0
10 3-0-0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0
8 2-1-0 1 0 76 0 0 0 0
8 2-1-0 1 0 77 0 0 1 12
7 1-1-1 1 0 81 0 0 1 12
6 0-2-0 1 0 86 1 18 0 0
5 1-2-0 2 0 80 0 0 0 0
5 0-2-1 0 0 88 0 0 0 0
4 1-1-0 3 0 77 0 0 1 12
4 1-2-0 1 0 80 0 0 1 12
3 1-2-0 0 0 83 0 0 0 0
3 2-1-0 1 0 85 0 0 0 0
2 0-2-1 0 0 89 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0
1 0-2-1 1 0 83 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 1 0 85 0 0 0 0
Total: 19

Course Report

We know why the pros are the pros, and the joes are the joes when you take a look at Innisbrook. This is a tree-lined course with tight target lines that reward accurate play. You really had to plan your way around the hazards around this gem of a course... we even almost lost a ball in a couch, but thankfully the crowd was helpful and turned that sucker right over!

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: D-Rak
  • Skins Master: ShortStack
  • Photo Master: Mr. Lyrics

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
4 Dudzy 4
8 HawkEye 10
13 Mr. Lyrics 13
15 Dudzy 17
17 CaptainHook 4

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
2 D-Mart 3 Birdie
3 Kong 3 Birdie
8 HawkEye 2 Birdie
9 Dudzy 3 Birdie
10 SilverKing 3 Birdie
16 HawkEye 3 Birdie
18 Stumpy 3 Birdie


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Not in Skins
E Eagle or Better   B Birdie   P Par   G Bogey or Greater   C Cut-off birdie  
Player Matches
Start match at hole:
RESULT: HawkEye wins 2 and 1

Course Report

We know why the pros are the pros, and the joes are the joes when you take a look at Innisbrook. This is a tree-lined course with tight target lines that reward accurate play. You really had to plan your way around the hazards around this gem of a course... we even almost lost a ball in a couch, but thankfully the crowd was helpful and turned that sucker right over!

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: D-Rak
  • Skins Master: ShortStack
  • Photo Master: Mr. Lyrics

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
4 Dudzy 4
8 HawkEye 10
13 Mr. Lyrics 13
15 Dudzy 17
17 CaptainHook 4

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
2 D-Mart 3 Birdie
3 Kong 3 Birdie
8 HawkEye 2 Birdie
9 Dudzy 3 Birdie
10 SilverKing 3 Birdie
16 HawkEye 3 Birdie
18 Stumpy 3 Birdie


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