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Fri Sep 29, 1:00 pm

Coordinator: Bagpipes

A big group today (24). Unfortunately Marshes could not accommodate our 19th hole wrap up due to a private function so Slammers headed home but here goes... we had a CMPC Final in the Pairs B division with Chadderbox and Poochie taking down Stumpy and Meeetch to take the title. Well done, gents. A couple of big upsets took place in group #2 where Hollywood (B551) and Pipeline (B16) both took down Timmy W (A34) - very well played. DOGGIE NEWSFLASH: all 6 doggies were won by 6 different Slammers and all distances were inside 10ft....fantastic 👏.👏 👏.... I think this has to be a first for the Slammer tour at Marshes. We had 8 skins won on the day....T-Bird (79) and Skeeter (81) had the top rounds of the day and an honorable mention to Stuart H who has 37 shots on the front 9 holes. So, overall it was a good day, see you all at my next event... Bagpipes.

Event Winner
Bob Pepin

11 Points

Sep 29 2023

Our event winner is the ever popular Pepilepu who had great day in a very tough field of players. He wins all his three matches against Steel Crazy, Chevy and Darts. He volunteered for Doggie Master 👏 and beat his median by one shot for a total of 11 Matheson Group Realty points... well done, Pepilepu 👏 ✔ 👍


Pepilepu (B26) defeated Steel Crazy (B9) 3
Pepilepu (B26) defeated Chevy (B34) 3
Pepilepu (B26) defeated Darts (B55) 3
Doggie Master 1
Better than median (85 < 86) 1
Group Winners
Pepilepu (B26)
11 Points
Green Arrow (B12)
10 Points
Skeeter (A13)
10 Points
T-bird (A5)
10 Points
Koala (B3)
9 Points
Stumpy (B36)
9 Points
View ST Live Results
Match Results
Number One Matches
Challenger Defender Winner

No Number One related matches

Big Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Pipeline (B16) Speedy (A34) 18
Hollywood (B428) Speedy (A34) 18
Divisional Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Darts (B55) Chevy (B34) 15
Darts (B55) Steel Crazy (B9) 16
Duke (A4) Bagpipes (A3) 17
Pepilepu (B26) Steel Crazy (B9) 17
T-bird (A5) Duke (A4) 15
T-bird (A5) Bagpipes (A3) 13
Challenger Defender Hole
Farmer Shart (A14) Bagpipes (A3) 18
Roosters (B51) Big Red (B5) 18
Stumpy (B36) Chadderbox (A20) 16
Meeetch (B30) Chadderbox (A20) 18
Farmer Shart (A14) Duke (A4) 18
chill (B40) Green Arrow (B12) 18
Smallpak (B68) Green Arrow (B12) 12
Gardie (C22) Green Arrow (B12) 13
Big Red (B5) Koala (B3) 16
Roosters (B51) Koala (B3) 16
Little Stuart (B4) Koala (B3) 18
Big Red (B5) Little Stuart (B4) 13
Roosters (B51) Little Stuart (B4) 15
Poochie (B141) Meeetch (B30) 17
Chevy (B34) Pepilepu (B26) 14
Darts (B55) Pepilepu (B26) 18
Hollywood (B428) Pipeline (B16) 18
Pipeline (B16) Skeeter (A13) 14
Hollywood (B428) Skeeter (A13) 14
Speedy (A34) Skeeter (A13) 14
Gardie (C22) Smallpak (B68) 18
Chevy (B34) Steel Crazy (B9) 16
Poochie (B141) Stumpy (B36) 18
Farmer Shart (A14) T-bird (A5) 15
Smallpak (B68) chill (B40) 11
Gardie (C22) chill (B40) 13
Division Round Match Result
Pairs B (175-189) Final Chad Moran and Rodney Pucci
Mitchell Miranda and Shawn Arcand
Individual Player Stats
Points Record Birds Eagles Score Dogs Bones Skins Bones
11 3-0-0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0
10 3-0-0 0 0 92 1 19 0 0
10 1-1-1 2 0 86 0 0 1 14
10 3-0-0 1 0 81 0 0 2 28
10 3-0-0 1 0 79 0 0 0 0
9 2-1-0 2 0 84 0 0 0 0
9 3-0-0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0
9 0-1-1 1 0 92 1 19 1 14
8 1-2-0 1 0 91 1 19 1 14
8 2-0-0 1 0 84 0 0 1 14
8 1-1-1 0 0 85 0 0 0 0
7 2-1-0 1 0 87 0 0 0 0
7 0-3-0 3 0 91 1 19 1 14
5 0-2-1 1 0 85 0 0 1 14
5 1-1-1 0 0 84 0 0 0 0
5 1-1-0 0 0 89 0 0 0 0
5 0-1-1 0 0 89 0 0 0 0
5 1-2-0 0 0 88 1 19 0 0
5 2-1-0 0 0 91 0 0 0 0
4 1-2-0 0 0 106 1 19 0 0
3 0-3-0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0
2 0-1-2 1 0 84 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 0 0 92 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0
Total: 24

Course Report

Marshes was in very good shape for our 24 Slammers today. It was a slow day with 3 separate mini tournaments ahead of us but we persevered and got our round in in just under 5 hrs. Thanks Marshes for hosting our Slammers today.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: Pepilepu
  • Skins Master: Bagpipes
  • Photo Master: Bagpipes

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
3 Big Red 4
5 Stumpy 9
8 Roosters 2.3
12 Steel Crazy 5
15 Smallpak 4
17 Green Arrow 9

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
3 Big Red 2 Birdie
4 Skeeter 5 Par
6 Skeeter 3 Birdie
11 Bagpipes 3 Birdie
12 Stumpy 2 Birdie
14 Roosters 4 Birdie
15 Chadderbox 2 Birdie
16 Hollywood 4 Birdie


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Not in Skins
Little Stuart
E Eagle or Better   B Birdie   P Par   G Bogey or Greater   C Cut-off birdie  
Player Matches
Start match at hole:
RESULT: Skeeter wins 6 and 5

Course Report

Marshes was in very good shape for our 24 Slammers today. It was a slow day with 3 separate mini tournaments ahead of us but we persevered and got our round in in just under 5 hrs. Thanks Marshes for hosting our Slammers today.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: Pepilepu
  • Skins Master: Bagpipes
  • Photo Master: Bagpipes

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
3 Big Red 4
5 Stumpy 9
8 Roosters 2.3
12 Steel Crazy 5
15 Smallpak 4
17 Green Arrow 9

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
3 Big Red 2 Birdie
4 Skeeter 5 Par
6 Skeeter 3 Birdie
11 Bagpipes 3 Birdie
12 Stumpy 2 Birdie
14 Roosters 4 Birdie
15 Chadderbox 2 Birdie
16 Hollywood 4 Birdie


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