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Mon Sep 4, 11:30 am

Coordinator: IronMaiden

It's the Labour Day weekend and what better way to finish off the long weekend than by getting six groups of Slammers together for a little match play fun at this close to town venue and as usual Meadows did not dissappoint! The heat was on and Mother nature showed us that Summer is not over yet. More great weather expected all week so we will certainly see some of you out again on the links. Thank you for a great day

Event Winner
Keerthi Weerasooriya

18 Points

Sep 4 2023

Kricket was out to join us again at Meadows where he is now a member and we certainly didn't hear krickets as he responded to the challenge against three A division players today. Nope, his roar overtook any silence as he took down Pouf, McDon and KidMoe and he didn't even need 18 holes to do it! And, oh my, 1 dog, 1 bird, 1 skin and shooting almost double digits less than his median, this long time Slammer showed he had the experience to get 'er done! Congrats and we'll see you again soon at the Meadows Kricket!


Kricket (B157) defeated Pouf (A8) 4
Kricket (B157) defeated McDon (A6) 4
Kricket (B157) defeated KidMoe (A17) 4
Div-B 1 dog(s) 2
Div-B 1 skin(s) 2
Better than median (82 < 91) 1
Div-B 1 birdie(s) 1
Group Winners
Kricket (B157)
18 Points
Fre-Teach (B30)
15 Points
Shorts (B9)
13 Points
Newton (A249)
11 Points
KidsClub (C3)
10 Points
Moz (A3)
10 Points
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Match Results
Number One Matches
Challenger Defender Winner

No Number One related matches

Big Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Kricket (B157) Pouf (A8) 17
Kricket (B157) McDon (A6) 17
Kricket (B157) KidMoe (A17) 16
Divisional Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Chevy (B27) Cannon (B8) 16
Fre-Teach (B30) Koala (B4) 17
Fre-Teach (B30) IronMaiden (B23) 17
Jimmy J (C22) Nicky (C12) 18
Little Stuart (B11) Cannon (B8) 14
Paul Villeneuve (B429) Gator (B2) 18
Paul Villeneuve (B429) Ali G (B12) 14
Pouf (A8) McDon (A6) 16
Shorts (B9) Cannon (B8) 16
Skeeter (A30) Chadderbox (A10) 18
Challenger Defender Hole
Skeeter (A30) Duke (A4) 18
Chadderbox (A10) Duke (A4) 18
The Game (B36) Fre-Teach (B30) 16
The Game (B36) IronMaiden (B23) 16
PuraVida (C67) Jimmy J (C22) 15
Jimmy J (C22) KidsClub (C3) 18
PuraVida (C67) KidsClub (C3) 12
Nicky (C12) KidsClub (C3) 15
IronMaiden (B23) Koala (B4) 18
The Game (B36) Koala (B4) 17
Chevy (B27) Little Stuart (B11) 14
KidMoe (A17) McDon (A6) 16
Duke (A4) Moz (A3) 17
Skeeter (A30) Moz (A3) 16
Chadderbox (A10) Moz (A3) 16
PuraVida (C67) Nicky (C12) 12
KidMoe (A17) Pouf (A8) 13
Chevy (B27) Shorts (B9) 16
Little Stuart (B11) Shorts (B9) 18
Division Round Match Result
Parent-Child A (174 max) Final Dylan Villeneuve and Paul Villeneuve
Scott Turner and Rick Turner
Individual Player Stats
Points Record Birds Eagles Score Dogs Bones Skins Bones
18 3-0-0 1 0 82 1 23 1 13
15 3-0-0 3 0 78 0 0 2 26
13 2-0-1 1 0 86 1 23 1 13
11 2-0-0 2 0 74 0 0 2 26
10 3-0-0 0 0 91 0 0 0 0
10 3-0-0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0
10 2-1-0 1 0 83 2 46 1 13
9 2-0-0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0
7 2-1-0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0
7 2-1-0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0
7 2-1-0 0 0 83 0 0 0 0
7 2-0-1 0 0 85 0 0 0 0
5 0-3-0 1 0 87 0 0 1 13
4 1-2-0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0
4 1-2-0 0 0 85 1 23 0 0
3 1-2-0 0 0 91 0 0 0 0
3 1-2-0 0 0 86 0 0 0 0
3 1-2-0 0 0 98 0 0 0 0
2 0-2-0 0 0 93 0 0 0 0
2 0-2-0 0 0 92 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 0 0 92 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 1 0 89 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 0 0 101 0 0 0 0
Total: 24

Course Report

Meadows is always in super condition and you can't beat that back patio for the best of the 19th hole spots - We'll have to get that firepit on the go once the weather gets a little cooler and fill up those adirondak chairs.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: The Game
  • Skins Master: The Game
  • Photo Master:

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
3 Shorts 3
7 Pouf 12
12 Pouf 6
14 Kricket 7
16 Skeeter 4.5

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
1 Newton 3 Birdie
3 Shorts 2 Birdie
7 Fre-Teach 2 Birdie
10 The Game 3 Birdie
12 Pouf 2 Birdie
14 Kricket 2 Birdie
15 Newton 4 Birdie
18 Fre-Teach 3 Birdie


No notables today.


You're over me!!

Jimmy J

Fre-Teach we're happy you're going back to school tomorrow

The Game

Most Style'n


No feedback for today.

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Not in Skins
E Eagle or Better   B Birdie   P Par   G Bogey or Greater   C Cut-off birdie  
Player Matches
   AS  AS           
Start match at hole:
RESULT: Newton wins 4 and 3

Course Report

Meadows is always in super condition and you can't beat that back patio for the best of the 19th hole spots - We'll have to get that firepit on the go once the weather gets a little cooler and fill up those adirondak chairs.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: The Game
  • Skins Master: The Game
  • Photo Master:

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
3 Shorts 3
7 Pouf 12
12 Pouf 6
14 Kricket 7
16 Skeeter 4.5

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
1 Newton 3 Birdie
3 Shorts 2 Birdie
7 Fre-Teach 2 Birdie
10 The Game 3 Birdie
12 Pouf 2 Birdie
14 Kricket 2 Birdie
15 Newton 4 Birdie
18 Fre-Teach 3 Birdie


No notables today.


You're over me!!

Jimmy J

Fre-Teach we're happy you're going back to school tomorrow

The Game

Most Style'n


No feedback for today.

Quick Links