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Fri Jun 7, 2:00 pm

Coordinator: KidsClub

Cedarhill was playing tough today particularly the front 9 as we got rain. Back 9 was the reward as the sun shone through allowing the Slammers to take off jackets and enjoy the day. Three CMPC matches underway. Vehiclean Senior B with Hodgy advancing to the next round, Ladies D with Heather Clark in the winner's circle and C Division with Gunner moving forward to the next match. Only 2 dogs captured....what was going on? 6 skins won with half of them won by Mega. Overall it turned out to be an okay day on the links playing SlammerTour golf. Your OC, KC.

Event Winner
Cory Tavares

17 Points

Jun 7 2024

Mega had a super, great, mega day out on the links playing the Slammer Tour. He played so well as to win the Matheson Group Realty crown as event winner for today. Mega a B Slammer was shooting lights outs today as he takes down 3 solid A Slammers. He defeats McDon, Duke and IronE all before the 18th. He registers a birdie and takes home 3 skins. Mega shoots 7 below his median and registers the low round against the field. A recent grad from the C division, playing oh so well in the B division and registers an A score today. Congratulations on an outstanding round of Slammer golf under such tough conditions.


Mega (B11) defeated McDon (A39) 4
Mega (B11) defeated Duke (A8) 4
Mega (B11) defeated IronE (A20) 4
Div-B 3 skin(s) 3
Better than median (83 < 90) 1
Div-B 1 birdie(s) 1
Group Winners
Mega (B11)
17 Points
MarkEpon (B91)
12 Points
3wd (C422)
10 Points
GoHabsGo (C12)
10 Points
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Match Results
Number One Matches
Challenger Defender Winner
Gardie (C5) KidsClub (C1)KidsClub (C1)
3wd (C422) KidsClub (C1)3wd (C422)
Gunner (C3) KidsClub (C1)Gunner (C3)
Big Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
Mega (B11) Duke (A8) 17
Mega (B11) IronE (A20) 16
Divisional Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
3wd (C422) Gardie (C5) 13
3wd (C422) KidsClub (C1) 16
3wd (C422) Gunner (C3) 17
Gunner (C3) KidsClub (C1) 18
IronE (A20) Duke (A8) 18
MarkEpon (B91) Your Worship (B84) 16
MarkEpon (B91) Hodgy (B9) 18
MarkEpon (B91) IronMaiden (B28) 13
Running Girl () Soo Girl (D15) 14
Your Worship (B84) IronMaiden (B28) 13
Challenger Defender Hole
McDon (A39) Duke (A8) 18
Soo Girl (D15) GoHabsGo (C12) 11
Running Girl () GoHabsGo (C12) 16
Gardie (C5) Gunner (C3) 15
Your Worship (B84) Hodgy (B9) 14
IronMaiden (B28) Hodgy (B9) 12
McDon (A39) IronE (A20) 18
Gardie (C5) KidsClub (C1) 13
McDon (A39) Mega (B11) 12
Division Round Match Result
Vehiclean Senior B (50+, 85 and over) 1 David Hodgson defeated David Thompson
Ladies D (100+) 1 Heather Clark defeated Lorianne Alexander
C Division (92-99) 1 Gunjan Dhooria defeated James Gardner
Individual Player Stats
Points Record Birds Eagles Score Dogs Bones Skins Bones
17 3-0-0 1 0 83 0 0 3 27
12 3-0-0 0 0 89 1 27 0 0
10 3-0-0 0 0 91 0 0 0 0
10 2-0-0 0 0 94 1 27 1 9
7 2-1-0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0
7 2-1-0 0 0 89 0 0 0 0
6 2-1-0 0 0 88 0 0 0 0
6 1-1-0 0 0 102 0 0 0 0
5 1-2-0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0
3 0-2-1 0 0 87 0 0 0 0
3 0-3-0 1 0 104 0 0 1 9
3 0-2-0 0 0 108 0 0 0 0
3 1-2-0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0
2 0-3-0 0 0 100 0 0 1 9
1 0-2-1 0 0 89 0 0 0 0
Total: 15

Course Report

The OC called the golf course at 11:00 today and they told me the course had no rain yet. It was pouring in East Ottawa. When we arrived the shower had finished. Mother nature toyed with us in the front 9 as it rain on and off. Lift clean and place in play. Greens were oh so puttable (great greenside drainage). Thanks Cedarhill for accomodating the Slammer Tour again. Thank you.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: Duke
  • Skins Master: KidsClub
  • Photo Master: KidsClub

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
5 Practice up!
9 Practice up!
14 GoHabsGo 16
15 MarkEpon 15

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
3 Mega 5 Par
5 GoHabsGo 3 Par
6 Mega 3 Birdie
7 Mega 4 Par
11 IronMaiden 3 Birdie
18 Gardie 4 Par


Thanks to Duke for volunteering to be our Doggie Master. Many thanks.

Thanks to all the app scorers and card scorers for doing such a great job while it was raining. Mucho Gracias.

Thanks to IronMaiden and Mega for your generous donations to the kids. The Make-A-Wish Foundation, Eastern Ontario, and Teagan's Voice thank you. ✨❤️


Congratulations to 3wd as he becomes the new C1. He wins this lofty position handily. He uses a driving iron (3 iron) off the tee making the golf ball act as darts. Congrats to 3wd. You have the C1 now on your back.


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Not in Skins
E Eagle or Better   B Birdie   P Par   G Bogey or Greater   C Cut-off birdie  
Player Matches
Start match at hole:
RESULT: Mega wins 7 and 6

Course Report

The OC called the golf course at 11:00 today and they told me the course had no rain yet. It was pouring in East Ottawa. When we arrived the shower had finished. Mother nature toyed with us in the front 9 as it rain on and off. Lift clean and place in play. Greens were oh so puttable (great greenside drainage). Thanks Cedarhill for accomodating the Slammer Tour again. Thank you.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: Duke
  • Skins Master: KidsClub
  • Photo Master: KidsClub

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
5 Practice up!
9 Practice up!
14 GoHabsGo 16
15 MarkEpon 15

SwingFit Skins Report

Hole Slammer Score Type
3 Mega 5 Par
5 GoHabsGo 3 Par
6 Mega 3 Birdie
7 Mega 4 Par
11 IronMaiden 3 Birdie
18 Gardie 4 Par


Thanks to Duke for volunteering to be our Doggie Master. Many thanks.

Thanks to all the app scorers and card scorers for doing such a great job while it was raining. Mucho Gracias.

Thanks to IronMaiden and Mega for your generous donations to the kids. The Make-A-Wish Foundation, Eastern Ontario, and Teagan's Voice thank you. ✨❤️


Congratulations to 3wd as he becomes the new C1. He wins this lofty position handily. He uses a driving iron (3 iron) off the tee making the golf ball act as darts. Congrats to 3wd. You have the C1 now on your back.


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