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Tue Jul 16, 12:00 pm

Coordinator: Ruth

As Garth Brooks says "the thunder rolls" however, the lightning didn't strike. Our Slammer foursome played on through a few sprinkles but nothing like what was in the forecast. It was a great day at Mapleview!

Event Winner
Laurie Ingram

13 Points

Jul 16 2024

Ruth (me) had a great game today. Thanks to a tip from McDon she has been shooting some good scores lately. She won all her matches, even beat Baloo, got the only doggie, and shot 9 strokes below her median. Woohoo!


Ruth (C10) defeated Baloo (B4) 4
Ruth (C10) defeated TwinDad (C45) 3
Ruth (C10) defeated Action Jackson (C14) 3
Photo Master 1
Doggie Master 1
Better than median (92 < 101) 1
Div-C 1 dog(s) 0
Group Winners
Ruth (C10)
13 Points
View ST Live Results
Match Results
Number One Matches
Challenger Defender Winner

No Number One related matches

Big Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
TwinDad (C45) Baloo (B4) 15
Ruth (C10) Baloo (B4) 15
Divisional Upsets
Challenger Defender Hole
TwinDad (C45) Action Jackson (C14) 13
Challenger Defender Hole
Action Jackson (C14) Baloo (B4) 15
Action Jackson (C14) Ruth (C10) 12
TwinDad (C45) Ruth (C10) 18
No CMPC matches today.
Individual Player Stats
Points Record Birds Eagles Score Dogs Bones Skins Bones
13 3-0-0 0 0 92 1 20 0 0
8 2-1-0 0 0 94 0 0 0 0
4 1-2-0 1 0 99 0 0 0 0
1 0-3-0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0
Total: 4

Course Report

Mapleview is a real gem. They have the best drainage system so there wasn't even one wet area. The rough was tough but the greens and fairways were very playable. Thanks for having our Slammer foursome.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: Ruth
  • Skins Master: Baloo
  • Photo Master: Ruth

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
3 Practice up!
5 Ruth 15
12 Practice up!
14 Practice up!

SwingFit Skins Report

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Player Matches
Start match at hole:
RESULT: Baloo wins 4 and 3

Course Report

Mapleview is a real gem. They have the best drainage system so there wasn't even one wet area. The rough was tough but the greens and fairways were very playable. Thanks for having our Slammer foursome.

For the Kids



Thank you!

  • Doggie Master: Ruth
  • Skins Master: Baloo
  • Photo Master: Ruth

Andrew Smith Insurance Doggies

Hole Slammer Distance
3 Practice up!
5 Ruth 15
12 Practice up!
14 Practice up!

SwingFit Skins Report

No Skins won today.


No notables today.


No quotables today.

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